Mighty Mainframe Conference

The first, but definitely not the last! The Mighty Mainframe conference-within-a-conference showed just how Mighty the Mainframe community really is.

Going into this, our aim was simple. Connect the brightest minds in mainframe while letting them do what they do best, which is sharing their knowledge and inspiring others to do the same.

With and outstanding ensemble of speakers like Rosalind Radcliffe, Armin Kramer, Tim McKeoun and more, we helped explore some of the most important topics surrounding the mainframe today.

Sharing is caring

While we’re still settling ourselves in, we wanted to share some knowledge, as well as a bit of the atmosphere, to you. Make sure to fill out our form to gain exclusive access to our super-secret drive where you can view presentations and photos from the Mighty Mainframe Conference 2024.


View presentations and images from the MM Conference